Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Homework - DECEMBER

Tuesday, December 1, 2015:

Math:  Recording Measurements using Multiple Units

In class:

At home practice:


Practise your pronunciation paragraph:
(These are the sounds we've been working on in class.)



Quotation mark practice:

Wednesday, December 2, 2015:

In Science, we worked on our write-up from our Gears investigation

English:  We are still working on our narratives - good copies and front cover

French:  practise pronunciation paragraph for Thursday


Thursday, December 3, 2015:

This morning, we had a Rick Hanson ambassador come in to speak with us about perseverance.  Ask your child what he or she learned from the presentation.

Measurement practice:

In Social Studies, we are learning about Canada's natural resources

Friday, December 4, 2015:


In French, we have just begun to learn the vocabulary for food items.

They are still writing/illustrating their good copies of their narrative books.  The final copy is due next Wednesday, December 9, 2015.

Monday, December 7, 2015:

Review of Measurement p. 140 and 141, #1-8

English:  Continue working on good copies of Narratives

Français:  Today, we learned the verb aimer to go with our food vocabulary 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015:

Math:  This is the group task we worked on today for Perimeter


Practise les Saynettes for Thursday.

English:  Narrative good copies are due tomorrow

Friday, December 11, 2015:

We had a great day at the Raptors 905 game and the students were very good representatives of Emily Carr.

French - we didn't get to present our French skits today so we will do them on Monday

Monday, December 14, 2015

French:  we began creating menus in French today and we will continue to work on them tomorrow

During the afternoon, we had our school open house and did snowflakes and lotus flowers.  Ask your child to share the activity with you.

Otherwise, no homework due to the activities this afternoon.  

TOMORROW IS PJ DAY!!!! Wear your favourite pair of PJS to school or you can show holiday spirit by wearing red and green.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015:

Math:  Measuring Time - decades, centuries, millennia

In English, the students are working with partners to write their own version of the poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.

See the original and a creative version below:

Wednesday, December 16, 2015:


How Gears Work - we read pages 23 to 26 and they need to finish the questions 1-5 on page 26 to be handed in tomorrow

*We will have a Holiday celebration in class during the afternoon tomorrow.  Please do not send any shareable snacks with your child for safety reasons.  I will be providing treats for them.

Thursday, December 17, 2015:

n French, we are learning some common French Christmas vocabulary.

Friday, December 18, 2015:

Happy Holidays!  I wish you all a relaxing time to catch up with your families and friends.  
Encourage your children to read (anything is good!), review their multiplication tables up to 10 x 10, and practise their French pronunciation for when they get back.
